U.S. Constitution
Protect everyone’s right to vote and she'll uphold the oath as a representative.
Reproductive Rights
Fight for federal laws to protect women's right to choose, including access to contraception.
Social Security & Medicare
Defend against proposed cuts.
Gun Safety Reform
Stands for common sense gun safety legislation to significantly reduce mass shootings while respecting responsible gun-ownership. Mass casualty weapons should be reserved only for those serving in uniform.
There is no place in America for bias based on one's gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or age.
Emergency Relief and Support
During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative that we protect the lives of those within our communities. Our Congress should be rolling up their sleeves and working with local officials, first responders, health care providers, and federal and state agencies to learn the lessons from this great trial and make critical improvements.
There will be more Hurricanes, storms, fires, and challenges - and we must stop reacting as if we are unprepared and unsure. Never again can we have so many failures to help people when they need their government the most. Invest in ourselves, so we don’t face another disaster we struggle to recover from.
Environment & Conservation
In our district, environmental pollution is of the utmost importance, and the health of our neighbors is dependent on the health of our ecosystem. The cyanobacteria and algae blooms in Lake Okeechobee must be monitored and mitigated. Our coastline must be protected, and investments in saving our oceans are a priority. Water quality standards must be enforced, and water-safe practices employed throughout the district. We must restore the mission of the Department of Interior and other Federal Agencies to ensure the health of our water, marine life, and economy. Fines should be increased for environmental lawbreakers, especially those which are agriculturally based hazards, and our officials should be held accountable for failing to practice environmental risk mitigation processes.
Rebuilding our Economy | Competing in the Future
Congress has finally taken action on critical investments in our infrastructure, but now we must support businesses and communities with a focus on recovery and long-term progress.
We need to remove the barriers to green energy in our homes and communities, spur job growth and investment that will immediately improve the lives of everyday workers and families. We must move away from tax breaks and giveaways for businesses that pay more taxes and invest in our small business and family business by giving them access to capital, support for hiring new workers, and bolstering local markets.
Most importantly, we must make sure that the workers our community needs to succeed are able to get the education, the quality of life, and afford to live in the communities that need them.
Healthcare is a human right, and affordable health care is necessary in order to ensure affordable access to healthcare for all. Medicaid services should be available for people with congenital, developmental, and intellectual disabilities, and supplemental funding should be granted for hospitals that care for under-represented communities. Prescription medication should be available and affordable for all too.
We must expand the scope of what is available for families and individuals facing long-term care and disabilities and stop bankrupting those who need help and genuine compassion. We cannot run a country where GoFundMe is the solution and expect to succeed as a nation.
Our children deserve the absolute best in education, and they aren’t getting it. As a product of the public school system, I firmly believe there must be educational equity and investment, not just in charter schools or pet projects.
Teachers need to be paid at a level reflecting the importance to our families and our communities. We need to invest in science, math, and the arts as critical gateways to careers that will help America succeed. We need to restore trade programs to our schools and recognize that not every kid’s path to success is through college and that we must celebrate success in all its forms.
We also must make permanent access to mental health resources and online programs that have allowed students to get the help and additional learning they needed during the pandemic.
Voter Rights
Our democracy must be preserved. We must tackle internal and external threats to our democracy head-on and combat cyber threats and attempts from foreign influence with our modern technology and interagency support. Every citizen of the state of Florida must be given a fair and equitable opportunity to vote to include voting by mail.